
hello somewhere

my days are covered in black freezing metal-breaking ice winds my hair is hanging over my ears and i changed i don't believe in darkness even though i know that it exists without crying a tear - change is life, is love, is what i am for i don't want to waste my time anymore staring in the black holes of my mind  and just drowning in perpetual rotating thoughts the world is so simple and complex, so contradictious, so unexplicable  interesting and wonderful, so amazing and brilliant i love to live - now i know that - sad that it took me that long my brain seems to be wrapped in sunlight although it's gray day by day it takes a lot of energy to get up in the mornings - after a late night; i cannot coerce me to go to bed, too many ideas and illusions of creative doing and being are cruising me to the edge of life i am tired - tired to death, into a coma, but i stand up and i can change the world because i have got the power, the tickeling flames that toast my heart day by day and making me what i started to be not mean or wicked driven neither possessed nor blinded just young and praising that option it is impossible to return, to make things unhappen or scroll back the past for an apology of the narrow dark path that i took - the way to the light - the way to creativity and free minded spirituality the way to the creative  artist i always dreamed to be i am crazy enough to believe that i can - so i am cogito ergo sum - i think therefore i am so my love so far away from here - there is someone who is crying out for someone - just a sign - a candle in the snow love Stefan.