
 I feel happy cause someone is here beside me ... Art

A Sjalien rose by any other name would smell the same... there are many bees out there, buzzing around, but a flower like me senses the right smell and invites the right bee selectively, bees bring me the nectar to pollunate my world and let my heart open up, like a flower inside me I fertilise myself, I feel nature, and paint my brain, kiss myself, I feel happy cause someone is here beside me ... Art  We are one kind, one part is Art, the other half is me, and the seeds in between are our product, our honey :) my hand is applying paint into the depth of my secret ocean, which lies beneath my he-art :)  I feel so hungry for new things that I always manage to find new things.  Moving around, in my own mind and world,  brings me new inspiration, a new sense of wonder, excitement, which means a joy of living, of simply living !